Renewable Energy

Solar Rooftop


TPWODL believes in implementing power distribution reforms for a sustainable future. The very reason why the Company aims to tap the power of solar energy - The energy harnessed from the sun in the form of solar radiation, which makes the production of electricity possible.

With this foresight, TPWODL has taken the initiative to invest in solar rooftop solutions to begin with for greater savings for its customers while doing its bit to protect our environment and natural habitat.

What is a Solar Rooftop?

Solar Rooftops are solar panels placed on top of roofs of any construction be it commercial, institutional or residential. This power plant on the roof comprises of solar panels that capture sunlight converting this naturally emitted energy into electrical energy. This setup is also known as Solar Rooftop Photo-Voltaic System.

This form of distributed power generation is pollution free, environment friendly and free of harmful gasses thus preserving the natural habitat around the installations. Here are some of the advantages of installing a solar rooftop with the assistance of TPWODL:

Advantages of a Solar Rooftops

  • Solar rooftops can produce large amount of solar power during the day and store it for future use.
  • This mode of power generation is cost effective as it helps in reducing power bills substantially.
  • Excess solar energy produced is sent back to the grid, for credit from your local utility company.
  • One can tap into grid-based conventional energy when direct sunlight is not available (at night, or during winter, etc.), or during off-peak hours when conventional electricity rates are low.
  • The Government of India has approved a rebate of 40% for installation up to 3 KW and 20% from 3 KW - 10 KW of solar power.
  • An Interested prosumer can install the TPWODL Roof Top Solar system through any agency of his/ her choice, observing the guidelines.

Go Solar - Save More!

Know More About Solar Installation and Net Metering

Step by Step Process for net Metering application

Net Metering Regulations

Application Form for Net/Bi-Directional Metering for the Solar PV Project

Net Meter Application Checklist

Model Net Meter Contract Agreement

Process Flow

Click here to Apply

Communication: You may contact below mentioned executives for execution of these services


Go Clean! Go Solar with TPWODL today!